Introduction of entomophages is an effective way of complex biological plant protection which allows to naturally control and destroy the population of more than 200 pest species of all kinds of crops at the most important stages of vegetation of agricultural crops.

A perfect solution for agricultural enterprise:

In order to fully protect crops and achieve maximum yield safety (up to 90%), it is necessary to use the correct entomophage species in a timely manner. Selection must be based on the stage of plant growth as well as pest species and population dynamics.


It is used to control more than 70 types of pests such as moths, turf pinworms, corn worms, borers, pine nut moths, diamondback moths, and grass moths.

The entomophage is automatically delivered by UAV in the form of Trichogramma-contaminated moth eggs, which will hatch within 1-2 days after application. Our experience includes using Trichogramma on corn, soybeans, sunflowers, chickpeas, cotton and potatoes.


An entomophage that protects fields from more than 60 pests, including moths, pine nut moths and grass moths. The habrobracon is particularly effective in grains, vegetables, orchards, and vineyards.

2,000 adults entomophages are enough to protect up to 1 hectare from crop loss. Experts from the Institute of Biological Plant Protection are ready to calculate when and how much habrobracons will be applied to each crop by UAV.


This entomophage considered to be most effective in organic farming. During the season, Chrysopidae give birth to up to five generations of larvae which are predators and eat eggs from 76 pest and 11 mite species.

Entomophage application is effective for most crops and can be done at all vegetation stages to sustain the population with proper planning.

Benefits of cooperating with Rincon Agrotech specialists:

  • Innovative technologies of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) usage for the introduction of entomophages as biological protection.
  • Calculations made by our specialists make it possible to determine with the maximum precision the dosage, period of application and the type of the required entomophage.
  • Proven efficiency confirmed by many years of experience.

Process of working with us:

  1. Conducting the research and monitoring of the fields for assessing the volume and treatment framework
  2. Forming an application for the entomophages introduction, negotiation of the contract and terms of cooperation and payment schedule
  3. Selecting and providing the pheromone traps according to the types of crops and pests
  4. Determining the timings and standards of the entomophages introduction
  5. Cultivation and quality control of entomophages in the laboratory environment
  6. Introducing entomophages by the UAVs usage in accordance with the established schedule
  7. Assessment of entomophages application efficiency and crop preservation

In addition to the entomophages introduction, we also provide the following services with the usage of UAVs:

  • Ультрамалообъемное опрыскивание (Ultra-low volume spaying)
  • Высокоточный мониторинг (High precision monitoring)
  • Мониторинг посевов (Crops monitoring)