Modern requirements for food safety require manufacturers to pay considerable attention to biological protection of enterprises.

In order to comply with biological protection measures, enterprises should implement a set of organizational-economic, zoo-hygienic and veterinary-sanitary measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious and non-communicable animal diseases; Protection of the population from dangerous diseases for humans and animals; production of high-quality and safe products. An effective biosecurity system is particularly important when a company enters international markets.

Our specialists will provide the necessary assistance in this direction: they will conduct a detailed audit of the biological protection of the agribusiness enterprise and prepare the necessary program of activities. This service is useful both for investors to determine the biosafety of production sites and, consequently, to the degree of risk of asset operation, and for enterprise management to determine critical points and reduce the risk of disease in animals.

This service is most relevant for cattle, pigs and birds. The introduction of effective biological protection will contribute to reducing the risk of diseases such as avian influenza, African swine plague, etc.

During the veterinary audit the work is divided into the following stages:

  • departure of specialists to the production sites
  • verification of the current status of the facility’s biological protection measures: detection of anomalies / violations
  • development of corrective measures to eliminate detected anomalies / violations

Our specialists have experience in the introduction of veterinary protection programs on the leading livestock farms of the country, which guarantees a high professional level of the proposed solutions.